You can help us make great things happen.

THANK YOU for your interest in supporting PUNX WITH PURPOSE and/or sponsoring Punx In The Park.

Punx With Purpose is a non profit organization Federal EIN# 92-3016373

Your support is going to help us give our community’s youth a memorable and helpful experience. We are excited to work with you. There are a variety of ways to support Punx With Purpose or the Punx In The Park event. All support, financial donations, services, and resources donated to Punx With Purpose will receive a donation receipt for tax purposes.

We have 3 different types of sponsors: Financial, Supplies, and Services. Please see details below. Click the button below to access the full sponsorship packet (PDF).


  • Financial Sponsor

    Donate funds to suppor PWP/EMOS/PITP. There are various tiers that you can select from.

    Financial Sponsor

    Offer your professional services. Examples: Food/Catering, Security, Printing, Sanitation, etc.


    Provide supplies that are cruci l to supporting our youth in our community. Examples: Food/clothing, sanitary, toiletries, resources for Youth.


sponsorship/Donation form


Are you ready to donate/sponsor to Punx With Purpose? Please fill out the form below to start the process. If you’re wanting to donate via check or cash, please complete the form below. If you want to donate electronically, please Click here to donate funds now.